Water Resources Management Training in Co. Louth
Listen to Gerry Kelly Interviewing Ken Whelan about this project on LMFM. Click on link and go to 1:05:52 towards the end of the show. https://www.lmfm.ie/on-air/shows/late-lunch/late-lunch-podcasts-(1)/the-late-lunch-show-wednesday-september-4th-2019/
Let’s build together on the Community Vision for Dundalk Bay Rivers and Coastline (2017)
- Are you an active member of a locally based community group?
- Are you interested in learning more about the conservation, management and protection of your local waterways – freshwater and coastal marine?
- Are you willing to invest 6 days of your time to work with a team of specialists to develop habitat & water quality projects to raise awareness of the valuable aquatic resources in your area?
A River in Good Condition A River in Poor Condition
Based on the very successful Freshwater Detective Series of training programmes the training will:
- Introduce you to the many sources of water in your area
- Introduce you to the concept of water-based Catchment Management
- Explain how your group can help to conserve and protect water resources and biodiversity in your townland
- Help with the development of local biodiversity and water management projects for your town or village
- Help your group to develop an Action Plan – individualised support and guidance will be available to develop such a plan
- The training will include Study Visits to sites outside County Louth to learn how upskilling and knowledge can assist in the conservation of your valuable local aquatic resources
Training will take place at two locations in County Louth
September 14th and 28th: South Louth Group – Drumshallon Forge, Drumshallon, Co. Louth. A92 DF7X.
Sept. 21st and Nov. 2nd : North Louth Group – Blackrock Community Centre , Blackrock, Co. Louth. A91 ED0F.
Nov. 16th & Nov. 30th : One day field trips – will include all trainees from both groups.
Dates for individual meetings to support groups with the formulation of projects or local action plans will be agreed over the course of the training days.
The training and travel to various study sites is free to registered participants
For further information and to register, please contact:
Martin McGarrigle Limnos Consultancy, Castlebar, Co. Mayo email: limnos.consultancy@gmail.com
Tel: +353872526639
The Trainers: Prof Ken Whelan (www.kenwhelan.info) and Martin McGarrigle (www.limnos-consultancy.com)
Download the application form – MS Word
Project funded by: Louth LEADER Partnership (LLP). LLP is the implementing partner of Louth Local Action Group (Louth Local Community Development Committee) who deliveries the LEADER Rural Development Programme 2014 – 2020.