Louth LEADER wish to recruit participants/groups from all of County Louth to participate in a LEADER funded Water Resources Management Training programme delivered by Prof. Ken Whelan and Martin McGarrigle. The programme will start with two days of training about water management, conservation and protection and water management action planning. Groups will prepare their own specific water management action plans for their local communities. In phase 2, the trainers will mentor each group, guiding the preparation of the plans. This is a great opportunity to learn, share ideas, meet new people, and gain expert knowledge in the whole area of water conservation that can bring long term benefit to you and your community.
Listen to Gerry Kelly Interviewing Ken Whelan about this project on LMFM. Click on link and go to 1:05:52 towards the end of the show. https://www.lmfm.ie/on-air/shows/late-lunch/late-lunch-podcasts-(1)/the-late-lunch-show-wednesday-september-4th-2019/
Training dates:
North County Louth: Blackrock Community Centre, Blackrock, Co. Louth. A91 ED0F. 21st September and 2nd November 2019. 9.30am to 4pm. Tea, coffee, and lunch provided.
South County Louth: Drumshallon Forge, Drumshallon, Co. Louth. A92 DF7X. 14th September and 28th September 2019. 9.30am to 4pm. Tea, coffee, and lunch provided.
Field trips: 16th November and 30th November 2019
Interested community and special interest groups, Tidy Town members, farmers, anglers, walkers, teachers and anyone with an interest in water protection, conservation and management, and the environment are welcome. Please complete a training application form, available from mavis.kelly@cllp.ie; or email: limnos.consultancy@gmail.com for more information. The original closing date for receipt of applications was 12th September 2019 but we welcome new participants who wish to join in – the next training day is on 2nd November 2019 at Blackrock Community Centre with two field trips to follow (16th & 30th Nov) and two further sessions dates to be agreed with participants.
Download the application form – MS Word